June 2007 Charity
Food, Film, and Friendship, Italian Style

Birthday New York City Pizza Tour

Last month, Amy and I were joking around about what we should do for my birthday and I said, "Hey, I need to go to New York City and do a pizza tour." At first I was joking, and then it hit me...Yeah, that really what we should do! So Amy made some plans and tomorrow, I'm headed to New York City. I plan to try to post pix in my photos section as I visit the different pizza places, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that's all we're going to eat, so check there for updates throughout the weekend.

Update: I'm such a geek. I've created a Google map with all the places I'm going to try to go to.



Wow, that sounds like such a fun idea. Can't wait to see the pictures.


Sounds like a great way to spend your birthday weekend.

I think Di Fara is still closed. You might check with Adam at www.sliceny.com.

If you are going to be in the Bronx, I highly recommend adding Louie & Ernie's (1300 Crosby Avenue, 718-829-6230, cash only, 10 minute walk from the Buhre Ave. station on the 6 line)


Thanks for the advice! I did see on Slice that DiFara's is closed down by the NYC Health Dept. Damn! That was the first place I planned to go.


You're welcome. Hopefully it will be open next time you visit.


Hi Jason! Longtime reader here :) Since we are on the topic of pizza, you should definitely try Mia's Pizzas in Bethesda if you haven't already. The chef/owner used to work at 2Amy's and Pizzeria Paradiso - My fiance and I went there last night and it was great!


Totonno's is an excellent choice. I've been away for a while, but if it's the same place I remember, the wait starts at about 3PM, the family opens the place 4-ish and stay open for as long as they happen to have dough. Better pizza in this world simply isn't possible.


You have such great food adventures! John's Pizzeria on Bleeker Street has nice ambience...make sure to sit in the "church" part of the restaurant. It's very pretty! It is a famous place and I've been there twice but there are definitely differing viewpoints on whether it's great pizza or not so I'll be very interested to hear your assessment. Have fun!

The DC Traveler

What a great trip concept. IF you make it an annual event, try Chicago for the second city. There might be a NY Times best selling pizza book in a few years.


Sal's, lower manhattan, east of little italy. Ok, I know that Little Italy is a tourist trap. But as I was passing Sal's, I saw on the stoop a little old woman dressed in all black with a huge gray braid wrapped around her head - a real italian nonna! So I had to try the pizza. It was soooo tasty.


Great birthday idea! Those photos look amazing. Thanks for the map.

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